Who We Are

Badael is a rights-based organisation founded in 2013 with a mission to foster transformative justice as the basis of a genuine and sustainable peace in Syria. Championing locally-owned alternatives, we endeavour to buttress the scope and impact of inclusive grassroots civic action and foment the development of holistic truth and understanding within and around the Syrian context. Our approach combines direct assistance and capacity building efforts with bottom-up narrative-shaping initiatives, including research, oral history and advocacy, so that all Syrians are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to construct a pluralistic and rights-based society of tomorrow.


Civil Society Support

The Civil Society Support Program (CSSP) is one of Badael’s earliest initiatives and remains a central pillar of our work. Established in 2013, the CSSP was designed in response to the urgent need to strengthen grassroots civil society groups in Syria.

Research and Studies

Badael’s research program is a crucial tenet of our endeavors to advance the development of grassroots and feminist knowledge production in Syria in order to promote more active and better informed approaches to Syrian memory and citizenship.

Civic Awareness

Mobilizing individuals from across Syrian society, the program sets out to further the democratization of civic knowledge and champion the development of inclusive grassroots activism from the individual through to the community.

Oral History

Through a bottom-up approach to oral history research, women from the Syrian refugee community in Turkey have conducted interviews with other women in their communities. Thus far, a total of 150 interviews with Syrian women and approximately 250 recorded hours have been produced.


Oral History Testimonies


Grassroots Groups Supported


Individuals Supported


Campaigns co-Founded


Our publications offer new perspectives and recommendations within the Syrian context, targeted at local, national and international civil society groups, policymakers and other stakeholders

Manoeuvring Blue Buildings for a Youth-Led Syria
16 - January - 2024
Manoeuvring Blue Buildings for a Youth-Led Syria

Creating spaces that foster learning, activism, collaborative thinking, and civic engagement among young people is a top priority for Badael

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Weaving Political Feminist Action
December 13 • 2022
Weaving Political Feminist Action

The think paper is an invitation for rethinking and reimagining the Syrian peace process...

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In Search For Justice
MARCH 21 • 2022
In Search For Justice

The research paper brings attention to the complex nature of GBV in the Syrian conflict...

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Mission Partners